"I volunteer my services to those that need it most"

Aldo is at your service. 
He volunteers his time, experience and expertise to those most in need. He has commited 7 years of his life to voluntary groups that assist in recovery from various addictions and he says he was the one that gained the most. "It was the most rewarding experience. Addictions are a human leveller. There I met actors, singers, lawyers, prostitutes, ex-prisoners and others, all seeking the same thing; self-love and self-respect. There I learnt much about the imposter syndrome. I have gained enormously and for this I am very grateful". Aldo.

Mother Teresa, shown in an August 1993 photo. AP

Tell me more

“Give, but give until it hurts.” Mother Teresa

At your service

How may I help?

TiE - Aldo Grech President

For 1 year, Aldo was President of TiE Sydney.
TiE is a non-profit, global community welcoming entrepreneurs from all over the world. We believe in the power of ideas to change the face of entrepreneurship and growing business through our five pillars; mentoring, networking, education, incubating and funding. TiE was founded in 1992 by a group of successful entrepreneurs and is currently the world’s largest entrepreneurial organization out there. With programs like TiE Young Entrepreneurs (TYE) and Mentor Match, we are reaching out and fostering the next generation of entrepreneurs

we require a volunteer leader


Aldo's message of sustainability runs through everything he does. He believes that sustainability starts at a core level within each and every one of us. Unfortunately what we are seeing in the world around us today and the climate crisis is merely a reflection, a mirror informing us to live healthier lives. Lives where love, family and our neighbours are far more important than greed.

"I have been fortunate to have been touched lightly by cancer. One of the key things I learnt is that if we do not listen to that voice inside that informs us of our spiritual well-being, then the body starts breaking-down; in my case cancer.

The world embodies our survival ecosystem and it is telling us that all is not well and pleading with us to do something about it. If we heed greed before what our ecosystem requires, then our collective cancer may be terminal."

So how do we balance financial and spiritual well-being?
Aldo workshops and speaks on the subject of sustainability and combines his 40 years business experience to assist businesses and individuals alike to continue building a better world by building sustainable organizational and individual wealth.

talk to our team about sustainability


Aldo has co founded a number of startups in the IT and renewables space including automotive, energy storage and IT. He loves the process of creating the new. 

Having been intimately  involved in the birth of the PC in Australia from around 1984, he realised that creating the new is the most fulfilling exercise for his character type. This was later confirmed in his Myers Briggs assessment.

Aldo welcomes approaches for "sweat equity".

I am looking for a cofounder